response to "a rant about technology"
by ursula k. le guin.

a website where the user must tend to a on-going flame, for as long as possible.ursula speaks to this when referring to simple technology, so a website meant to complete a primitive task interests me.

response to "my website is a shifting house"
by laurel schwulst.

a website that is an on-going animation of water dripping into two glasses that read half full and half empty.this writing prompted me to reflect my perspective in general and for what a website could be, so i envisioned a website that prompted a similar reflection for the user.

response to "a friend is writing"
by callum copley.

a website that encourages internet safety by providing users with real life examples of scams and other harsh realities of the internet. I felt this reading did a wonderful job of creating the environment to be as overwhelming as the internet, and I walked away wondering how I could more effetively be online.

response to "hello world"
by taeyoon choi.

a website that is an open source catalog of resources to learn a skill. I enjoyed the description of computers in this writing, and I wished there was a platform for resources like this and others to coexist.
