

Part one in the ongoing series of female musicians.


Part two in the ongoing series of female musicians.

Self Portrait

Impressionable Booster Seats

A demo of a chair to accomodate anyone who sits in it.


Poster accompanying previous project


a series of reminders represented as what we all are underneath.

Green Graphic Design

An infographic discussing harmful graphic design practices and providing alternatives

Text in Circulation

A publication showcasing the recirculation of Vivek Shraya's book, "I'm Afraid of Men", in public settings

Mail Art

A postcard meant to interact with anyone who comes across it, particularly those delivering the letter.

Hodge Podge

A collaborative sticker/activity book, inspired by the art form collage.


A linocut of an ampersand, and some accompanying experimentive prints

Enjoy Don't Destroy

A linocut bumper sticker

A Love Letter to W

Analyzing the letter "W." My last name begins with the letter W, and growing up it was somewhat of a joke to be a “back of the line” kid when ordered alphabetically. For this reason I saw the letter as somewhat of an underdog, and wanted to highlight it’s value. That's when I came across the flood of newspaper headings, starting with the abbreviations for the World Wars. (WW1 & WW2) It felt very important to note that some of the world’s largest events can be simplified to letters, and I wanted to see how it would affect the news if a single letter was missing, especially one as formative as W.


A publication showcasing my handmade typeface, Puffy.


A poster testing the different uses for Puffy.